Hey there,
This is my first post in my new blog here. I also have msn space. You can visit at http://spaces.msn.com/chatchaikongaut. OK, let's start about tennis.
At the moment wimbledon is in the third round. Do you think anyone can beat Federer on grass?
a. Nadal b. Roddick c. Djokovic d. Berdych e. other (please name) f. no one
Thans in advance for your answer. Next time I'll come with more information about tennis.
See ya
Can I answer my own question? yes i can. I think Roddick can beat him this time. I hope I'm right. Pls, I don't want Roger wim another Wimbledon.
แ ว ะ ม า ทั ก ท า ย จ้ า
The last time I played tennis was last week. It was just a casual game with a friend. Im not the best player however I really enjoy the game. I am a little reluctant to follow the big tennis competitions but after viewing Halls awesome website, I will now make an effort to keep informed and up to date with the world of tennis. Nice use of the color green! Rob form Australia.
p.s I don,t like Leighton Hewitt. He is too stuck up!
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